Friday, January 13, 2006

I just have this huge, unexplainable need to update this blog since it hasn't been updated for ever! Or at least two weeks.

How is the new year faring? Have you kept any crafty resolutions? Mine were:

  • To knit with a better posture (so I don't get RSI again)
  • Make more jewelery
  • Not be so stingy when buying jewelery finding and so on.
  • Sew more

What were yours? I have kepy number 2 & 4 so far. I can't believe it's only been 13 days since New Year! So weird!



Blogger Laura said...

Good one for posting - I keep meaning to! My resolutions are:

1 - Practice Spinning! I went to a day class last year and loved it, and am now trying to purchase a second hand wheel.

2 - Take on a knitting project that requires intarsia.

3 - Dust off the sewing machine and make some clothes.

4 - Learn to crochet. My friend bought me a flower kit which is perfect for beginners!

I haven't stuck to any of them yet.

Laura x

9:04 pm  
Blogger Sarah Jayne said...

My only crafty resolution is

To put Uni work before craft swaps and other things which i feel I just HAVE to make!

I only have to keep it till I finish in May :)

1:57 pm  

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